Thursday, 19 February 2009

Cecil C P Lawson

Anyone interested in the early years of the British army back in the dark ages would go first to C C P Lawson A History of the uniforms of the British Army. Volume I. (a pdf file). Published in 1940 Lawson painstakingly redrew some of the key artworks for the period and his various volumes still contain information and leads that few have been able to come close to.
One of my daughters when she was little got at my volumes with a crayon ... but what the heck - they did need a bit of colour!


  1. I have the book -a birthday pressie to myself over 20 years ago! Fab piccies and info too...

  2. In the late 1970's in my early teenage years I bought the first 3 volumes of CP Lawsons mighty works they were obtained in the Smiths sale which in those days comprised of some fantastic books like Blandfords etc. I was painting Airfix Waterloo at the time and a few Hinchcliffe ECW's. I have lived in my current house for 5 years and have just got the study shelves organised properly to hold my favourite uniform/Military History/Wargaming books so I can now find everything instantly! ...well almost!!! and pride of place goes to old Cecils volumes.
