Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Aquae Solis (Bath) July 21. 1723. From the top of the Southern hill.

 Probably not that much different to when Monmouth summoned the city in 1685

Russian GNW reenactors in the snow


William Cummings Piper of the Clan Grant 1714

 Painted by Richard Waitt

Drabant 40mm WSS

 They have stopped making these. I had an email from a reader - if anyone has any they don't want get in touch and I will pass on the details. 

Monday, 17 February 2025

Bath Somerset in 1715

Bath in 1727

 I live near Bath so was interested to find this about the '15

'A Jacobite arsenal was established at Bath, where there were collected three pieces of cannon, with the means of casting more, as well as eleven chests of firearms, and a hogshead full of basket-hilt swords. Further arms had been ordered from France. The plan of campaign at this time was for the rising to begin in several places in the West simultaneously, but for the centre of it to be at Bath.
The Jacobite Activities in South and West England in the Summer of 1715 Author(s): Charles Petrie and William Shippen Source: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society , 1935, Vol. 18 (1935), pp. 85-106 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Royal Historical Society
image Bath in 1727

Saturday, 15 February 2025

1729 Thomas Osborne 3rd Viscount Dunblane


Another French army scene

 Thanks to Francois Weisskopf for this. Details etc. here