Friday 14 June 2019


Anniversary today of the famous ECW battle.  Wiki
Figure is the Russian-made Avanpost available from Mezzer's Minis in the UK


tradgardmastare said...

I am trying to find an order of battle for the Dutch Army which landed in 1688 at Torbay. I also am looking for coat/ facing colours and flags. I have tried in vain in my books and on line. Can you help?

Ralphus said...

OK had some answers
Dannie Fogleman For uniforms and flags, you can try Barry Hilton’s pdfs on the armies at the Boyne and Aughrim.

Nick Dorrell There is an article on this in the Pike & Shot Society's magazine 'Arquebusier', Volu XXXV - IV. Also included is a breakdown of James II's army and a 'what if' wargames scenario - the battle of Salisbury Plains - for the Twilight of the Sun King rules.