Sunday 5 January 2020

Bavarian Grenadier WSS - thanks to ChrisFritz

'This is a superb reproduction of a Grenadier of the Bavarian Leibregiment shown by a close friend of mine. The uniform, arms and equipment was thoroughly researched by Dr. Markus Junkelmann, one of the great german historians when it comes to military history.
Note the pistol, which was unique for those troops.
The regiment (esp. the Grenadiers) as allies to the French fought at the first Battle of Höchstädt (Sept 20th 1703), at the Schellenberg (July 2nd 1704) and at the second Battle of Höchstädt or Blenheim (Aug 13th 1704), where it suffered a disastrous defeat.
They went on to the spanish Netherlands and fought at Ramillies (May 23rd 1706), where they were defeated again and lost all standards, but one.
Finally at Malplaquet (Sept 11th 1709) they played almost no role and were withdrawn from the theatre of war.'