Monday 17 May 2021

Monmouth Rebel by Mark Vaughan

 Mark has quite a collection of 1685 miniatures mostly from Front Rank. The purple lined red coat is in the line of new research in Steve Carter's book Fighting for Liberty. He quoted in the book 'Mr Hewling, the son of Benjamin Hewling mercht. In Colman Street went from Utrecht on Thursday morning for Amsterdam. It is he who tooke care of the making the purple coats, lined with red, for the souldiers that shall be imployed in the Rebells service.'  

This was of great interest to us Monmouth rebel fans as we thought it was red lined purple. Coats with purple cuffs were made and worn though I believe Monmouth was described as wearing a purple coat during the Rebellion. 

Anyway nice to see the latest research appearing in miniature.
Owen (centre) in a red faced purple coat. We never knew whether red lined purple meant red, lined purple or purple lined red

1 comment:

Ray Rousell said...

Very interesting. Gotta get the book!