Tuesday 19 December 2023

Minifigs 25mm Seven Years War

 Catalogue here. I knew this chap Rob Turner who had thousands of these and would host games accommodating about 6 players. All in gloss enamel but very well done.


Archduke Piccolo said...

Nearly all my Minifigs figures are Napoleonics, which make up the bulk of my French, Austrian and British armies. My favourite figures, though the French and Austrian have a minority of other figures, and my Prussians and Prussians are something else again.

Somewhen I acquired a handful of mounted 7YW minifigs. They became a command element of Trockenbeeren-Auslese's Anhalt-Zerbst cavalry. The rest of that army is Airfix infantry and ESCI horse.

Anonymous said...

Now there’s the thing! Another nostalgia rush. Many a weekend spent gaming with those. 2-5 of us teenaged lads with many unpainted figures.