Sunday 28 June 2009

Clip from The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)

This is an interesting sequence in this film about a country house and the tensions and politics that take place. I also like this scene as they mention our home town of Radstock (1:13)which kind of made us fall off our chair when we first saw it. It is the bit where the Dutch gardener is introduced to the Jacobite Mr Neville. Wiki on the film


Motorway said...

'He is a draughtsman too..'

'Mr Neville helped me modestly, to make a usable example, Madame...
His paintings may be of the greatest importance to you and following owners of the mansion, be it, to give an idea from an archaistic view regarding the problems of the garden'

Ralphus said...

thanks - he wasn't speaking in tongues after all

tradgardmastare said...

I love this film and have since I first saw it when it came out. The others by Peter Greenaway are worth seeking out too...