have been fascinated by your blog for a long time but as yet never sent a comment but your recent items on Dutch Invasion sent me scurrying into my library for the following book "Suffolk Invasion" by Frank Hussey, published by Terence Dalton Ltd, Lavenham, Suffolk in 1983, ISBN 0861380274, it cover the history of Landguard Fort from its beginnings, naval actions 1667 with captains names, lots of phtos and maps, highly recommended for those interested in the local history cheers old john
1 comment:
have been fascinated by your blog for a long time but as yet never sent a comment but your recent items on Dutch Invasion sent me scurrying into my library for the following book
"Suffolk Invasion" by Frank Hussey, published by Terence Dalton Ltd, Lavenham, Suffolk in 1983, ISBN 0861380274, it cover the history of Landguard Fort from its beginnings, naval actions 1667 with captains names, lots of phtos and maps, highly recommended for those interested in the local history
cheers old john
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