Saturday, 3 January 2009

Monmouth's March

The other day I had an interesting email from someone now living locally asking about Monmouth's march.

The lady occupant of a new house had been hearing the sound of marching and banging drums - the sound of an army - and receiving dream images - (noting interestingly that the men were wearing 'beige coloured crossed belts over their stomachs, black looking uniforms and floppy hats. She says that their garments looked like uniform rather than clothes').
These dream sounds and images came to her at around midnight, having come "3 or 4 times". The lady is a newcomer to the area and knew nothing about the Rebellion but the son had since uncovered the fact that Monmouth's army was in that area and asked me was their house on the route of the Duke of Monmouth as he marched to Phillip's Norton?

I couldn't be certain but it was certainly in that general area. It is also something that didn't surprise me one jot. Through my reading mostly I have read countless ghost stories about this doomed rebellion. Monmouth's army is seen and heard all over the West - sometimes on the anniversary... though it has to be said the calendar changed in the 1700s by a few days. It must be the world's most haunted army. Why? Possibly the tragic outcome - maybe the heightened emotions raised left a record...who knows?

I will try to uncover a few of the best stories in the next few weeks.

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