Sunday, 21 June 2009

'Terror march'd before them' 1685

Carrying on the theme of what happened in the Monmouth Rebellion I thought it might be interesting to see where the forces are now.
Sunday the 21st found Churchill's Dragoons subjected to a lengthy sermon in Chard on the damnation that follows rebellion - also Lieutenant Monoux who was killed at Ashill was buried.
Churchill's patrols were everywhere - 'and there came the Queen's Guards (as they said) under Lord Churchill into the parish and terror march'd before them (for one could hear the horses grind the ground under their feet, almost a mile before they came).' Harrassing the rearguard of the Rebels and ransacking the homes of those 'out' with King Monmouth, the troops did such things as 'cutting and tearing the beds, hangings and furniture to pieces, shaking out the feathers and carrying away the bedsticks and what else they could, letting out the beer, wine and sider, about the cellar, setting fire to the barn'.
The Rebels arrive at Bridgwater where they were well received, camping in the castle grounds. Kirke's footsore infantry arrive at Chard. Feversham is appointed commande in chief in the West.
Monmouth reenactment photo from Loseley Park

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