Monday, 10 March 2025

Battle of Jankov 6.3.1645


Photos from Šance pro Šanci 

''We went to the Central Bohemian Region to participate. 380th anniversary of the bloodiest battle of the Thirty years' war. On Saturday the 8th March 2025, the village and the surrounding areas in Habrovka were transformed into a historical battlefield during a traditional memorial event, where Swedish and Imperial armies clashed in a reconstruction of the famous conflict.'' Wiki on the battle

Sunday, 9 March 2025

Forlorn Hope ECW rules

 This is a set of rules I enjoyed. Love the cover of this - can't remember the artist's name though - brings back memories. Reviewed here

A later version - get them here

Pendraken ECW

 From 1642-1652 England, Scotland and Ireland were embroiled in a series of wars, resulting in the death of a king and the formation of a commonwealth. Our 10mm English Civil War ranges cover everything you need, so have a browse here: #sundayshowcase

Le Régiment de Champagne

Facebook for this newish French group. 

Giberne WAS


French infantry leather cartridge pouch, taken at the Battle of Dettingen, 1743

Friday, 7 March 2025

By The Sword Divided Part 1 Episode 1 - Gather Ye Rosebuds

 British series from 1983 to 85. The other episodes are here, This was a really good series set in the Civil War. Reenactors were used for the siege sequences. Wiki