Sunday 28 June 2015

Killiekrankie 1689 25th and 26th July

NEW Two things to report - 1st - You can now purchase your tickets (Family Ceilidh and the main event) from our web page. (link below). - 2nd - We have just updated the 2015 specific details about what you will see over the weekend in 4 weeks time! PLEASE HELP US spread the word - we believe 2015 will be a good step up from the popular 2014 event, building on what worked - hope to see you on the 25th and 26th July!
To mark the 325th anniversary of the Battle of Killiecrankie this event will have Bonnie Dundee's Cavalry, Government and Jacobite troops, a Living History Camp, Battlefield Tours, Jacobite Story...

The Troop at Norton St Philip 27th June 2015

Yesterday we were out in the hot sun at Norton St Philip celebrating the 330th anniversary of the battle of the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685. Dr Chris Scott (author of 'Armies and Uniforms of the Sedgemoor Campaign' and 'Maligned Militia') was there with his wife Pam (pictured) and of course I was there selling my book. All photos Sue Mitchard. A very successful day. Thanks to Alan Larsen for masterminding the whole affair.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

The 5th Regiment of Foot at the Battle of Wilhelmstahl

David Rowlands - webpage here where there is a description. Today is the anniversary of Wilhelmstahl

Monday 22 June 2015

The Road to Philips Norton 1685

This saturday - the 27th June - the village of Norton St Philip (near Bath) is celebrating the 330th anniversary of the battle in the Monmouth Rebellion with a Fete and various activities a propos the battle including a cavalry display, battlefield tour with Dr Chris Scott and a talk. I will be there selling my booklet.

Friday 19 June 2015

Somerset Militia 1685

Here's the Taunton Garrison recreating the Monmouth period in Colyton Devon. More pictures from the Exeter Express and Echo. here

Wednesday 17 June 2015

1715 reenactment weekend

This looks good - the Queen's regiment are celebrating the 300th anniversary of the '15. Details here

Tuesday 16 June 2015

French coats 1680s

Been discussing coats on my Monmouth Rebellion facebook group and I was surprised to not to be able to fond much on the web about these. They were sent by France to Sweden in the 1680s for the Swedes to copy - not sure of the exact date - anyone know?

Monday 15 June 2015

Culloden1746 Feature Film Battle scenes

Provisional dates for "Culloden" Battle scenes are 1st-10th August. Provisional Location Stranraer Dumfries & Galloway.

Period 1745 re-enactors Highland & Redcoat> Extras and supporting actors required. If interested in updates please attach name.

Actual dates to be confirmed.

Please share this invite;

Jeffery's Justice

Another of Sean O'Brogain's paintings in my booklet 'The Days of King Monmouth'
or ebay

Naseby 2015 - photos by Anne Rachel

Sunday 14 June 2015

Naseby 2015

I will put up a gallery tomorrow - well done to all those involved.
This image is Tower Hamlets Trayned Bandes' musket block with a file from the Blew Regiment London Trained Bandes at the opening stages of the Battle of Naseby 370th Anniversary on Sunday.
Appearing here as a company of Oakey's Dragoons before becoming Capt Dessborough's firelock guard defending the baggage train from royalist cavalry then taking the field for the main battle as our New Model Army alter-ego Col Thomas Rainsborough's Regiment.
Photograph by Anne Rachel.

Thursday 11 June 2015

happening in Colyton Devon (EX24 6JU) this saturday

Mars Set 72083 French Infantry & Guards

Thanks Matt Stephen for the heads up for these 1/72 plastics. 
PSR review and pics here

Monmouth lands at Lyme

Today in 1685. Incidentally there are some nice painted Monmouth figures on this blog Metal Mountain

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Lace Wars at Berrington

photos by Cath Smith
visitor info 

Lace Wars

Battle it out with living history weekends © Rob Elliot Battle it out with living history weekends
Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 June
The 18th-century saw the 1745 Jacobite rebellions; a series of uprisings in Great Britain and Ireland with the aim of returning James ll and the house of Stuart to the throne. These will be depicted by the re-enactment group 'Lace Wars' who will bring the period and these battles to life. Join us to see them set up camp; with authentic weaponry, daily drills, displays and gun powder galore.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

'The Days of King Monmouth'

Got my A4 booklet back from the printers - looks really good if I say so myself. Can be ordered from here
Monmouth landed on June 11th so it's easy to follow the progress if you order now. Also on ebay

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Aston's Dragoons

If I was to do ECW again I would do this. But I don't ride
'A small independent, progressive English Civil War living history group'. Facebook page here