Friday 30 April 2021

15mm WSS game


This photo is from 1988 or thereabouts. It was a game put on by Simon Frame and myself at our English Civil War banquet. Rules were by Stuart Asquith and were called something like Marlborough's wars I can't remember. I was French and mainly used Dixon's and Simon was British and mainly used Roundway Miniatures. Both ranges were sold at the Keep at Devizes so we would pop up there to restock from time to time. Who won? I don't think we finished it. This was quite common with us. 

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Steel Fist 15mm ECW

Definitely the best 15mm ECW on the market. Here

ECW H10 - well-equipped Royalist Horse

Minairons 1/72 WSS

 See more of these well-sculpted miniatures. Also see here for uniform and flag news.

Monday 26 April 2021

London 1690

 London and the River Thames from One Tree Hill, Greenwich Park. 1690.

Jan Griffier I (Amsterdam 1652–1718)
Royal Museums Greenwich. Oil on canvas. 86 x 129 cm.

Sunday 25 April 2021

Almansa 1707

 Today's anniversary is this battle in Spain.

Friday 23 April 2021

GNW incident by Ruben W. Gulbrandsen

photo by Nina Røsnæs 😉

"Death of the Lieutenant-Capitain"

During the second battle of Moss on April 23rd 1716, Lieutenant-Capitain Even Wahl of the Norwegian Enlisted Regt. of Foot died leading the Colonels Compagnie. Through the Swedish barricades and townhouses

He was the only officer on the Dano-Norwegian side to fall that day. 

305 years ago today...

Tuesday 20 April 2021

The Drummer Michel Lasne

 Metropolitan museum of art.

Monday 19 April 2021

Boy grenadier

 ′′ Grenadier larvae ′′ or the king of Denmark Frederick V (1723-1766) as a child. c1730

Friday 16 April 2021

Barrell's Regiment 1746 by Patrick Hubble

 Barrell's Regiment, Grenadier Company of the Duke of Cumberland's Army (or the Government/Hanoverian Forces) during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745.

There are some interesting developments in the USA for the '45. This is Barrell's regiment. When things get more normal a bigger Jacobite Rebellion event is planned.

Culloden 1746

 Today's anniversary is this battle in 1746/ Photo of the reenactment of Prestonpans in 1995 by Howard Giles. 

Thursday 15 April 2021

Monday 12 April 2021

Friday 9 April 2021

Duke of Monmouth's birthday

 Today is the day we raise a glass to the Duke of Monmouth.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Monday 5 April 2021

Monmouth Rebellion in fiction

 On the Aburntship blog which is excellent.

Kev Pomroy's Steel Fist 15mm ECW

 This is a project similar to what I am planning. Waller's army - here are the legendary London lobsters. Great work Kev. Steel Fist

Teaser from Strelets-r. WSS British cavalry

 Look good!

Saturday 3 April 2021

Monmouth Rebellion t -shirts

The Blake Museum Bridgwater has this ace t-shirt that is printed front and back on their online shop.