Friday 27 June 2014

The Troop recreate 1685 at Norton St Philip

Photos by Susan Mitchard. Recreating Monmouth's Life Guard of Horse and the Royal Duke himself the Troop were at Norton St Philip today on the 329th anniversary of the battle.

Friday 20 June 2014

Killiecrankie 1689 event 26th and 27th July - Scotland

Alan Larsen writes:
Hi everyone, The first Jacobite Battle was at Killiecrankie. This year is the 325th Anniversary of the Battle of Killiecrankie. We have Dundee's Cavalry, Government and Jacobite troops, master barber surgeon (leaches and all), 17th Century Pipers, Battlefield Tours, Jacobite Story Tellers, Traditional Ceilidh and much more happening on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th July. Please help us spread the word and hope to see you here at Killiecrankie. NTS Killiecrankie are involved too. FB page

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Marlborough scene from The Gathering Storm (2002)

Battle scene is at 1;00 in

New Austrian army book

Available mid August - Dr Stephen writes on my SYW forum.

First draft of the cover of my new book. It should be available in August. This is completely revised book with doubling the number of illustrations. The uniforms in 1757, 1760 and 1762 are shown for each regiment showing the transition over the Seven Years War.
Certainly gives a more interesting appearance to the Austrian Army.

Battle of Kolín 1757

Today is the anniversary of this great Austrian victory in the Seven Years war - wiki on it here

Tuesday 3 June 2014

"Vèncer o Morir" - Miquelets de Catalunya

Documental de recreació històrica sobre la vida en els camps d'instrucció de l'exèrcit de Catalunya de 1713. És una coproducció de Solanum Films amb l'Associació Miquelets de Catalunya.