Thursday 31 March 2022

War of Austrian Succession French

Lucien Rousselot French c1745

 Painting some of these at the moment. Just a small quantity as it's a while since I painted any 28mms. Started gathering images. This pic I like.

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Tuesday 29 March 2022

18mm WSS from Lancer miniatures

 New range I believe. Here

Cheriton 1644


Today's anniversary. From the wiki

The Battle of Cheriton of 29 March 1644 was an important Parliamentarian victory during the First English Civil War. Sir William Waller's "Army of the Southern Association" defeated a Royalist force jointly commanded by the Earl of Forth and Sir Ralph Hopton. Defeat ended Royalist hopes of retaking South East England and forced them onto the defensive for the rest of 1644.

Although less well known than the Battle of Marston Moor, in his "History of the Rebellion" senior Royalist advisor Clarendon considered Cheriton an equally disastrous defeat.[2]

Monday 28 March 2022

Khurasan 15mm late 17th century

 If you wanted to do Fehrbellin or any campaign of that era then I think the best choice is this range

Size matters

 Comparing 15mm ECW in a  blogpost by Keep Your Powder Dry here

Saturday 26 March 2022

Dettingen Redcoats


Not sure what book this is from.

Dettingen 1743

I haven't seen this yet. Looks good. I am enjoying the WAS at the moment.


From Legion miniatures

Probably difficult to get but we can admire the sculpting.

Friday 25 March 2022

Dutch Cuirassiers from Strelets-R

Update today from Strelets-R 

All our key persons are alive and doing reasonably well under the circumstances.
Orion/Red Box guy is OK as well.
Mars' boss left Odessa for Kamenets-Podolsky in W.Ukraine further away from hotspots.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Preston 1715

 Out next month, the latest book by author Jonathan Oates - The Second Battle of Preston, 1715: The Last Battle on English Soil.

Find out more and register interest in this title here:

Tous Les Matins Du Monde, 1991, trailer

 Someone reminded me about this film. Worth watching if you like the music of that era. 

Soundtrack on Spotify

starring Gérard Depardieu

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Jamestown massacre 1622

 400 years ago today. Read about it here

 'The Massacre At Jamestown, Virginia, 1622.' Line Engraving, 1628, By Matthaeus Merian. A 1628 woodcut by Matthaeus Merian published along with Theodore de Bry's earlier engravings in 1628 book on the New World.

Monday 21 March 2022

This Easter in Frome Somerset

 Civil War comes to Frome. 

The battle of Stow-On-the-Wold 1646

 Today's anniversary. Wiki. There is a good Helion book on the subject.

Sunday 20 March 2022

New Steel Fist 15mm ECW

 In my opinion the best ECW 15s anywhere. I fancy getting some they are so good. Webpage here. They have a sample figure deal to introduce you to these high quality sculpts. I fancy doing Hopton v Waller.

Oxford Royalist pike

Friday 18 March 2022

Christian IV of Denmark 1643

(National Museum of History Frederiksborg Castle) Karel van Mander III (Dutch, 1608–1670). Good to see a portrait of someone wearing a headpiece.

Flags of War 28mm War of Austrian Succession Kickstarter is Live



 'Our new Kickstarter for the War of Austrian Succession is live on Kickstarter. Check it out!!!

We are looking to release new British and Dutch in marching pose.'

Barry Hilton reviews the new Tangier book from Helion

 Good review  also some nice pictures of miniatures with the review.

Thursday 17 March 2022

Fusilier des Gardes françaises, vers 1750

Titre "Fantassin de l'époque de Louis XV posant l'arme". Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, inv. MV2246


Wednesday 16 March 2022

Sunday 13 March 2022

Sergey Shamenkov


A Ukrainian artist and reenactor based in Odessa. Here is his Pinterest page. You know him from numerous Helion books he has illustrated. Nowadays he has other subjects for his talents. See his contemporary takes on the conflict here

Friday 11 March 2022

New ECW 15mms by Steel Fist

They (Steel Fist) say Time for a Friday sneak peak at Oliver’s latest sculpts.
These are first figures for 15mm ECW Oxford Foot - musketeers firing in salvo. They’ve been designed to be used in rows of 2 or 3.
Many thanks to Charles at Helion Publishing for the information he’s kindly provided on the look and tactics of the Oxford Royalists.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Sabre and bayonet blog

 Just a quick plug for my blog dedicated to the 1790s into the early 1800s.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Flags of War 28mm War of Austrian Succession

 As you probably already know Flags of War have a range of Jacobite Rebellion figures. Recently they have announced they are to expand into the WAS with a Kickstarter this month delivering in April. They plan all sorts of new figures in the future including Hanoverians, French artillery and Garde Francaises and French cavalry which of course will complement the '45 figures.  Fortunately for me they have sent me some pre releases of this range - British and Dutch to review, First of all they are delightful castings full of crispness and detail  (for example the British drummer has a mitre with a distinctly sculpted device on it). The photos don't really do them justice - these are some of the best 28mms I have seen. I intend to paint them as they look like they will paint up a treat. I think the period needs these figures and I am sure they will be popular,  Flags of War | Facebook

Dutch infantry

British Grenadier

British drummer

British hat man

British ensign

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Donnington Miniatures 15mm Late 17th century and The Wars of Louis XIV range

 When I started this blog in about 2008 I wanted to show how useful a range it was. I bought one of each of the figures. Made a start of painting them. They are quite old but I like that. Reminds me of the time when I used to attend all the wargames shows in the mid 80s. Here 

Sunday 6 March 2022

New teasers from Strelets-R

 Business as usual. Not sure what these are maybe Dutch

Thursday 3 March 2022

Zenta from "More than just enemies"

 Thought I would look and see if there were any Prince Eugene movies and this comes close. More info on the film

  Zenta wiki

New Eugene biography

 Upcoming release: Prince Eugene of Savoy

'James Falkner, in this the first full biography of Prince Eugene the leading Habsburg commander during the wars against the Ottomans and the French, to be published in English for over a century, reconstructs his military campaigns in compelling detail and describes his career as a politician and statesman. A highly readable study of a remarkable man. '
Here at Pen and Sword books

Minairons 1/72 WSS Austrophile grenadiers

 See more here

Wednesday 2 March 2022

The English Garrison of Tangier: Charles II’s Colonial Venture in the Mediterranean, 1661-1684


We are pleased to announce The English Garrison of Tangier: Charles II’s Colonial Venture in the Mediterranean, 1661-1684 is now available.
Based on primary archival research and published sources, this new book is a modern assessment of the raising, equipping and composition of the standing army of Charles II, and the role played by the garrison of Tangier between 1661 and 1684. When Charles landed in Dover in 1660, he inherited two regular armies, both owing him allegiance – the New Model (by then regular or standing army) in England under Monck; and the force of exiled royalists in Flanders and the garrison of Dunkirk. Neither army was in particularly rude health, being much in arrears of pay, and although the former remained on paper an effective power, its morale was broken by the events leading to the Restoration. The latter (Charles II’s ‘forgotten army’), was a body of Irish, Scottish and English soldiers in exile, fighting with the Spanish, and habituated to periods of hardship and privation. The acquisition of the Moroccan city of Tangier via the marriage agreement between Charles II and Catherine of Braganza, daughter of John IV of Portugal, in May 1661 brought about a period of English occupation, which lasted until 1684. England garrisoned and fortified the city against hostile Barbary forces. The English Garrison of Tangier examines in detail the raising, equipping and composition of Charles II’s army, with particular emphasis on the occupation and siege of Tangier, during a period regarded today by some historians as one of the emergences of ‘British colonialism’ and trade, but also within the wider military, political and strategic context of expansionism and warfare in Europe and beyond. As such, the book not only adds significantly to our knowledge of the army of Charles II and the campaign in Tangier but will appeal to anyone with an interest in the wars of the mid and late seventeenth century, and European expansionism in a wider context, including academics, local historians, re-enactors and wargamers.
✨ Save £5 off RRP until Sunday 6th March – no code needed ✨