Monday 30 November 2015

Sunday 29 November 2015

An historical record of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards or Oxford Blues ... By Edmund Packe

This book is worth a look if you like Restoration military. It tells the story of this famous regiment - here being recreated by Waller's Horse of the SK.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Paper Terrain Vauban city walls

Over here for a  look

Siège de Tournai par Louis XV du 30 avril au 22 mai 1745 by Louis Nicolas Van Blarenberghe (1716-1794)

God Save Catalonia!

The book that explains the English intervention in Catalonia during the war of succession to the Spanish Crown (1702-1714), of Xavier Rubio Campillo.
In this work, different authors, coordinated by Xavier Rubio, give an overview of the massive English intervention in Catalonia by means of the study of the army, finances, battles and sieges in which he participated. English version here


Thursday 26 November 2015

Jean Chretien Fischer

Jean Chrétien Fischer (German: Johann Christian Fischer; 17 January 1713 in Stuttgart – 1 July 1762 near Kassel) was a German-born soldier in the French service.

He was a leader of the partisans in the French Army during the War of the Austrian Succession. In 1743, he was authorized by the Marshal de Belle-Isle to raise a company, which was called Fischer's chasseurs, the origin of that branch in the French Army. He distinguished himself in the Seven Years' War; was made brigadier for his bravery at Arloff (1759); added to his fame at the Battle of Clostercamp (1760); resigned his command to the Marquis de Conflans (1761), but still fought in his old troop with the rank of a lieutenant-colonel.
Here for a German-language article
French language song from the period


Fürst Wilhelm Heinrich von Nassau-Saarbrücken 1745 als "Maréchal de camp" und Inhaber des französischen Regiments "Nassau-Saarbrück-Cavalerie"

Michel Petard reconstruction from here

My first ECW event

30 years ago in 1985 I got into reenactment. ECW roundhead - well actually I was initially lured into it by seeing a display in a shop window of Monmouth gear and my first event was a 1685 march but this was my first ECW event at Basing House. I am on the extreme right of the top picture and wearing the helmet on the bottom one. I was 25 when I joined so not a teenager - I was old enough to know better but we had a toddler then and I thought it would be good from the family and it was. The people in the bottom pic are the late Gordon Usher (and his son Nick) who ran the Frome garrison of Devereux's regiment.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Villingen Siege 1704 - Johann Anton Schilling

From here
Also see here for description (German) here for English language history

Battle of Parma - 29 June l734

From the wiki
The Battle of San Pietro, also known as the Battle of Crocetta or the Battle of Parma was a battle fought on June 29, 1734, between troops of France and Sardinia on one side, and Habsburg Austrian troops on the other, as part of the War of Polish Succession, between the village of La Crocetta and the city of Parma, then in the Duchy of Parma. Austrian troops assaulted an entrenched Franco-Sardinian position, and were ultimately repulsed, due in part to the death of their commander, Florimund Mercy, and the wounding of his second in command, Frederick of Württemberg. Both sides suffered significant casualties in the battle, which lasted for most of the day.
 MARTIN Pierre Denis, MARTIN le Jeune (dit)
Details on the battle here

Tuesday 24 November 2015

The Charge of the 15th Light Dragoons at Emsdorf by David Rowlands

An interesting skirmish in the Seven Years War. Image from here  Kronoskaf entry.
French units were Germans in French service like Bentheim and Royal Baviere and the Bercheny Hussars - see below. So a good colourful skirmish.

Drummer, 15th Light Dragoons, ca. 1760, by David Morier. Royal Collection

15th Light Dragoons Cavalry Drummer - from here where there are details

Le régiment des hussards de Bercheny en marche, vers1752-1763

Death of Nicolas-Louis d'Assas the night before the battle of Kloster Kampen

"A moi d'Auvergne, voici les ennemis !"

From the wiki.
Nicolas-Louis d'Assas (1733–1760), also known as Louis d'Assas du Mercou and Chevalier d'Assas, was a captain of the French Régiment d'Auvergne, whose celebrity depends on a single act of defiance.

Having entered a wood to reconoitre it the night before the battle of Kloster Kampen in 1760, he was suddenly surrounded by the enemy English soldiers, and defied with bayonets at his breast to utter a cry of alarm; "To me, Auvergne! Here is the enemy!" he exclaimed, and fell dead on the instant, pierced with bayonets, to the saving of his countrymen.
His sword

Auvergne on the Seven Years War database

Sunday 22 November 2015

'The Glorious Action of Dettingen June 27 N.S. [16 O.S.] between the Forces of the Allies and the French Army under Marshal Noailles commanded by King George of Great Britain'.

From here where there is a description.
Also go here to see Morier's Dettingen

Morier WAS paintings

One of the great things about the War of Austrian Succession is the source material and none comes any better than Swiss painter Morier. Go here to see his work for the Duke of Cumberland

Crann Tara War of Austrian Succession

These miniatures look good. Crann Tara started off with a '45 Jacobite range and have now augmented it with expanding into the WAS. The figures have good proportions and are well researched - I might treat myself. Website 
Facebook page

Thursday 19 November 2015

Sunday 15 November 2015

Review of 'Destructive and Formidable'

From Steve the Wargamer - one for the Christmas list methinks


There's not much on the web about this battle but this Twitter feed has some useful things