Friday 31 May 2019

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Oak Apple Day

Today used to be a public holiday celebrating the day in 1660 when Charles II entered London which was also his birthday. Some towns like Worcester still celebrate it.

Battle of Sablat 1619-2019

The 30 Years War anniversary reenactment of this battle. Lovely artwork.

The Troop at Audley End 2019

Alan Larsen's group recreating Restoration Lifeguards certainly look the part. Hats off to them!  Alan says 'As you can see we've moved onto a Kettledrummer [the only civilian Kettledrum horse in the UK] and two Trumpeters '.

Click on the photo to se it better

Tuesday 28 May 2019

ECW reenactment

Bolton Massacre 1644

Things got a little Thirty Years War. Wiki
Also see here
There is an event later this year in July - details here

Sunday 26 May 2019

Minden 1759 reenactment

This September this battle is recreated in Germany. Here in English

Friday 24 May 2019

Louis XV visiting Le Havre in 1749

The troops lining the way are Compagnies franches de La Marine.  I have made a Pinterest page with images of them 1740-60

Thursday 23 May 2019

Ramillies 1706

Today's anniversary
Wiki here
Grenadier from England's General eternised 1706

Monday 20 May 2019

40mm Seven Years War

Did you know Crann Tara are in the process of producing a new range of 40mm SYW? I believe the masters are computer-generated but I don't really know anything about that medium. If you want to see some examples painted up go to this blog.

Sunday 19 May 2019

Prussian drill

We may have had this before. Also here


Today is the anniversary of this battle so I thought I would post a clip from Alatriste as it's a Sunday. 

Saturday 18 May 2019

Prinz Karl Infantry 1756

So occasionally I have ideas for reenactment groups even though I am retired and mostly I don't post about them, but this one I had a few years ago and it still sounds good to me. The concept is a Hessian Seven Years War group based in the South of England. Recreating garrison life as it occurred in the Invasion scare of 1756. But you could also participate in American Revolution events as there is very little difference between the uniforms of 1756 and 1776 and Prinz Karl were in the Revwar too. They also fought at Krefeld and various European theatre battles. Unlike most Hessian groups I wouldn't get involved in mitres but would stick to musketeers. But this is just an idea.
From Kronoskaf where there is a detailed history.
Prinz Karl  Infantry at Krefeld 1758

Carl Prinz von Hessen-Kassel als Kind, 1755

Inventar Nr.: 1875/750 a
Bezeichnung: Carl Prinz von Hessen-Kassel als Kind, Studie
Künstler: Johann Heinrich d. Ä. Tischbein (1722 - 1789), Maler/in
Dargestellt: Carl Landgraf von Hessen-Kassel (1744 - 1836)
Datierung: um 1755
Geogr. Bezug: Kassel
Material / Technik: Leinwand, doubliert
Maße: 35,5 x 28,7 cm (Bildmaß)
1790 im Nachlass Tischbeins
Beschriftungen: Beschriftung allg.: verso auf dem Keilrahmen mit Bleistift: Nr. 6

The Invasion - Hogarth 1756

England - plate 2
For more info go here

France - Plate 1
Today is the date when in 1756 Britain declared war on France starting the Seven Years War so here's a Hogarth print lampooning the French. More info here. 
If you interested in learning about the invasion threat in 1756 and the troops brought over to England this page at Kronoskaf is good.

Friday 17 May 2019

French Royal Rousillon regiment in camp

Not sure whether we have had this before but as someone mentioned it in the comments I thought it wouldn't hurt. It was fairly recently bought by Fort Ticonderoga and the details are here. Depicts the regiment 1740-8 period. 

Thursday 16 May 2019

French Artillery Train in War of Spanish Succession

Had an email from Martin
'I thought you might enjoy these zinnfiguren painted by Vladimir Douchkine. The flats were engraved  by Kieler Zinnfiguren in the late 1920s from drawings by L.C. Bombled.  They were painted in Paris by Douchkine circa 1950.'

Battle of Stratton 1643

Today's anniversary. A disaster for the Parliament cause. Wiki

Friday 10 May 2019

In the Emperor's Service by Laurence Spring

Wallenstein's army 1625-34

This is the third 30 Years War book I have read by Laurence Spring and it is probably the best yet. Full analysis of the army from rations to quartering - coat colours and standards - arms and armour as well as tactics are all considered in detail. Special focus is on the famous pivotal battle of Lützen analysing the battle and its aftermath. Also the siege of Stralsund is examined. Well illustrated including many from the time in the form of engravings and colour plates by Mark Allen who also reproduces the flags and standards. If you have an interest in the 30 Years War you will probably enjoy this book 

Wallenstein's Cuirassiers

From the festival in Memmingen

Friday 3 May 2019

Compagnies franches de la Marine - the early years

I posted this on my Flintlock and tomahawk blog but thought it might be of interest to you. The Cdlfm were French naval and colonial troops and so served in lots of North American campaigns. a Pinterest page I made for early years reconstructions.,_1683–1715

Austrians at Liberce (Czech republic)

Thursday 2 May 2019

Régiment de La Couronne (Recreat per Almansa Histórica 1707)

Thought I would post a French image. Spain is the home for a lot of WSS era groups meeting every year at Almansa in April. 

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Marlburian redcoats in the UK - Queen's regiment

The Queen's Regiment 1700-1720 will be at the following locations in 2019:

Milton Keynes Museum: Sat 11 May/ Sun 12 May
Milton Keynes History Festival: Sat 15 June / Sun 16 June
Bolsover Castle garrison: Sat 13 July / Sun 14 July