Saturday 30 January 2021

Execution of Charles I

 On this day in 1649. Read about it here

Friday 29 January 2021

Teasers from Strelets-r. Dismounted French dragoons (WSS)

I would think these would be good to paint.

1691 - a novel by Joe Joyce

 Been loaned this book by Alan. It's very good so far. It is a fictionalised account of the events of  1691 in Ireland. Characters are some of the main players Sarsfield etc. Read about it here or buy an ebook

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Portugal and the Fantastic war


The Spanish–Portuguese War between 1762 and 1763 was fought as part of the Seven Years' War. Because no major battles were fought, even though there were numerous movements of troops, the war is known in the Portuguese history as the Fantastic War (Portuguese and Spanish: Guerra Fantástica ).Wiki

There is now a Facebook group for this for wargamers and others 

Tuesday 26 January 2021

First troop King's Horse Guards 1685 by Alan Larsen


Thanks to Alan for this. 

Steel Fist 15mm ECW unit


ECW 15mm unit, comprising ECWF1 and ECWF3. Webpage

Pikes are brush bristles, which we are providing with the pikemen packs.

Monday 25 January 2021

German Zischägge 1630-40

 Interesting to see the lining. See more images and read about it here

Battle of Nantwich 1644

 Today's anniversary is this battle in Cheshire.  The Sealed Knot usually reenact it braving the cold and mud but this year had to give it a miss. 

Photo from the Earl of Manchester's regiments blog

Thursday 21 January 2021

Khurasan WSS/Marlburian 15-18mm


From the Khurasan webpage

Somebody was asking on a forum what were the best WSS in that scale. I know these as they kindly sent me some review figures and they are very good. See the range here

Tuesday 19 January 2021

A Call to Arms 1/32 ECW


Thought I would post about these figures. The last manufacturer of soft plastic toy soldiers in the UK and thankfully thriving. As it stands at the moment they do harquebusiers, lobsters (pic), musket, pike, command, artillery. Great fun to convert with it easy to headswap being soft. Cheap too. Get them here

Braddock Down 1643

 Today's anniversary. Royalist victory in Cornwall. Wiki

Sunday 17 January 2021

Steel Fist English Civil War 15mm

 Steel Fist Miniatures English Civil War 15mm range stock has arrived.

We are delighted to announce that the stock arrived form the mould-maker this week and Simon is going to commence processing Kickstarter orders then pre-orders next week. The figures are already available on the website if anyone wants to order them but the orders will not be processed until the Kickstarter orders are done.

As some of you may know these are the first 11 packs of what we hope will become the best 15mm range on the market. We have endeavoured to put the detail of 28mm figures into this range here are a couple of pictures of the castings that I have inked up, we are really happy with the quality, Griffin have done a great job in capturing the detail and you will be able to achieve grand scale collections with very fine detail. Over the coming year there will be artillery, characters and many more troop types added. The next packs should be out in March.

Falkirk 1746


Today's anniversary. Wiki

Also see here

Saturday 16 January 2021

Bavarian Army Museum PDF (English Language)


A free PDF catalogue (249 pages) of the ‘Forms of War 1600-1815’ exhibition, currently in the Bavarian Army Museum, can be downloaded here:

Thanks to Mats

Thursday 14 January 2021

Armies of Sir Ralph Hopton - Laurence Spring - Century of the Soldier series

Sir Bevil Grenville's regiment 1643 Maksim Borisov

As a Westcountry-man the Civil War in the West has always been of great interest to me so this book I looked forward to immensely. Suffice to say I was not disappointed. The author Laurence Spring is rapidly becoming a go-to author on 17th century armies. This one is excellent and perfectly suitable if like me you like English Civil wargames as this book is perfect for recreating Hopton's forces at Lansdown, Cheriton or Roundway down. The legendary Cornish Foot are examined something I was very interested in with great colour plates by Maksim Borisov. There are chapters on clothing, arms and armour, pay and casualties but the main thread is on the 3 armies Hopton  commanded. Very in-depth and very interesting. 

Sunday 10 January 2021

Neville Brownlee's Seven Years War 1/32 (54mm)

These are really great in my opinion. My kind of scale.

Neville says 'First outing, a la lockdown solo game, for some 54mm SYW figures. A Prussian force tries to take a walled enclosure from a force of Saxons backed by Austrian Cavalry'.

As far as who made the figures Neville has this to say

 there is a mixture. Most of the Prussian's are Hat. I think these are very nice figs, and pretty good value too. Command, Musketeer, Fusileer, and Grenadier are available. The Saxons are some Armies in Plastic AWI pretending. These are not so good and paint doesn't adhere so well (the'll do though). There are some Armies in Plastic AWI Cav as well but these are a bit hidden. Most mounted are Del Prado and again we are pretending a bit, many being a bit earlier or latter than SYW. A man in a Tricorn on a horse is tricky to find! Some minor conversion on generals. Hat has been promising some SYW Austrians since shortly after the war ended.'

Let's hope Hat doesn't take too long for the Austrians/.

Friday 8 January 2021

New book offer

New Release from our Century of the Soldier series!
Italy, Piedmont and the War of Spanish Succession 1701-1712 is now available to buy on our website.
✨Save £7 until Sunday 17th January ✨
Buy it here:

Tuesday 5 January 2021

Battle of Turckheim 1675


Turenne pénètre dans Turckheim par la Porte-Haute (1675)

Today's anniversary, Wiki