Saturday 27 July 2024

Killiecrankie 1689


Hastings Regiment I believe

Today's anniversary. Wiki

Friday 26 July 2024

Polish cavalry

 Roelant Savery, Polish Cavalry Marching in the Woods, 1614, Here

Michal Paradowski has said they might be Hungarians. Or Croats.  See here

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Kay 1759

 Today's anniversary. Here. 265 years ago. Thanks to Alt Kreyzten for the pic.

also referred to as the Battle of SulechówBattle of Züllichau, or Battle of Paltzig

Bagpipes in the 17th century

 On the Monmouth Rebellion Facebook page there was a discussion on whether the Royal Scots had pipers or not. It seemed from what Stephen Carter said the Colonel's company had them. So the next question is what were bagpipes of 1685 like? Found this article which is interesting. Anybody know more on the subject?

Monday 22 July 2024

Cavalry skirmish

 I don't know the artist. 

Sunday 21 July 2024

French landing on the Isle of Wight 1545

 Happened today. Wiki

"The 21 day of July the French galleys and navie came before Portesmouth haven, and landed certeine of theyre armye in the Yle of Wyght, and there burned and camped there about to the nomber of 2,000 men, and came every tyde with theyr gallies and shott their ordinaunce at the Kinges ships in the haven; but the winde was so calme that the Kinges shippes could bear noe sayle, which was a great discomfort for them."

Saturday 20 July 2024

Talk on James II's army at the National Army Museum London

The Army of James II

2 August, 12.00pm, Free

Discover the importance of King James II in the creation and development of the British Army with Stephen Ede-Borrett.

Stephen Ede-Borrett will evaluate the effectiveness and structure of James’s force, while also explaining why his role in the creation of the British Army has been so often ignored.

Don't miss:

Thursday 18 July 2024

The Renaissance at War

 This book I got from the Library. It's good.

With the dawning of the Renaissance came technological and social advances that changed forever the art of warfare. Rich with anecdotal detail, a compelling and comprehensive narrative by an expert military historian transports you to the midst of the action as it examines the strategies, campaigns, prominent figures, and key conflicts of the age. From artillery and fortifications to military leadership, from cavalry tactics to the new infantry, from the Crusades to the guerrilla wars in late 16th-century France, penetrating cultural, tactical, and technical analyses plus numerous illustrations, maps, and charts paint a full portrait of Renaissance warfare.

Ruprecht Heller, The Battle of Pavia (1529), Nationalmuseum, Stockholm[1]


Monday 15 July 2024

King and Queen's bath Bath 1675

 This depicts West Country people in 1675

Saturday 13 July 2024

Roundway Down


Battle of Roundway Down(7-13-1643) diorama @Frazier museum… | Leon Kay Flickr

Today's anniversary is this battle near Devizes. Read about it here

Friday 12 July 2024

Boufflers-Wallon 1721

 By Jacques-Antoine Delaistre

Garde Suisses 1721

 Pics Musée de l'Armée

Swiss Guard ensign in 1721

 There are some great images from the 1720s. 

Thursday 11 July 2024

Oudenarde 1708


Today's anniversary. Here

The English Civil War: Myth, Legend and Popular Memory

 By Charles Esdaile. Looks interesting.

Cavaliers and Roundheads are figures who appear in hundreds of English ghost stories. In this innovative account, Charles Esdaile argues that such tales are in reality folk memories of an episode of English history that was second only to the Black Death in terms of individual and collective suffering alike, and, further, that they reveal important truths about the way in which the conflict was represented: it is no surprise, then, to find that spectral Cavaliers are often romantic figures and revenant Roundheads grim ones full of menace. Yet, the book is no mere catalogue. On the contrary, rather than being discussed in a vacuum, the tales of haunting are rather set within a detailed regional history of the conflicts of 1642-1651 of a sort that has never yet been attempted, but is, for all that, badly needed.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Langport 1645

 Today's anniversary. From the wiki

Following its previous success at Naseby in June, in the Battle of Langport the New Model Army under Sir Thomas Fairfax destroyed the last Royalist field army, led by Lord Goring. This Parliamentarian victory allowed them to besiege the Royalist port of Bristol, which surrendered in September.

Royalist commander George Lord Goring. 

Portrait of a man as a hunter 1672

 By Jan Verkolje - Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

Saturday 6 July 2024

Sedgemoor 1685

 Today's anniversary. Here

Thursday 4 July 2024

Nassau-Saarbrück cavalerie

 Fürst Wilhelm Heinrich von Nassau-Saarbrücken 1745 als "Maréchal de camp" und Inhaber des französischen Regiments "Nassau-Saarbrück-Cavalerie"

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Marston Moor 1644

 Today's anniversary. Wiki

Watch a short film by Royal Armouries here

Saturday 29 June 2024

Friday 28 June 2024

Anyone know this painting? Looks like a French camp

 Simon says Google lens says Watteau. There is an article on Watteau's military paintings here

Thursday 27 June 2024

Philips Norton 1685

 Read about it on Steve's page here

Monmouth is at Norton Town / All a-fighting for the Crown / Ho! boys, ho!

Dettingen 1743


Today's anniversary. Here

Sunday 23 June 2024

Krefeld 1758


Today's anniversary. Here and here on Kronoskaf

Saturday 22 June 2024

Bothwell Bridge 1679

 The Battle of Bothwell Bridge, or Bothwell Brig' took place on 22 June 1679. It was fought between government troops and militant Presbyterian Covenanters, and signalled the end of their brief rebellion. The battle took place at the bridge over the River Clyde between Hamilton and Bothwell in Lanarkshire, Scotland.

For more information about the 1679 Rising and the Battle of Bothwell Brig, pick up a copy of Monmouth’s First Rebellion: The Later Covenanter Risings 1660-1685, published by Helion & Company and available at all good bookshops.

Jacob Munk. Prussian Grenadiers, cuirassiers and vivandiere.

 German, born before 1815–1885

Thanks to Andrey.

Wednesday 19 June 2024


 Today is the anniversary of the godly maids of Taunton. 

A novel

 Edgar Nelthorpe, or, The fair maids of Taunton : a story of the Monmouth rebellion. This is a novel from 1881. Read it here

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Interesting image of a boy grenadier

 Anybody know anything about this picture? Eric Roberts found this

MutualArt describes it as 'Follower of Edward Haytley (active c. 1740-1764): Portrait of a young boy in military dress with battle beyond. 18th century.'

Portrait of an Officer by (after) Stephen Slaughter

 Wiki on the artist. 

Willem van de Velde A Grand Review of the Army at Hounslow Heath, 1687 .


Battle of Kolin

 Significant defeat for Frederick. 

Today's anniversary. Here

Austrian grenadier at Kolin

Monday 17 June 2024

The French infantry during the Seven Years War

 Out later in Spring list. Register interest here

The Seven Years War was long forgotten in French historiography. In fact, in the years following the peace of 1763, it had no name. When authors referred to this conflict, they simply used the expression: the last war or the German war. It was Templelhoff in 1787, working on the work The German War written by Lloyd, who called it for the first time: History of the Seven Years War in Germany Geschichte des siebenjährigen Krieges in Deutschland. This is what Bardin had to say about it at the beginning of the nineteenth century: 'It was undertaken without plausible motives, conducted without skill by most of the French generals and interspersed with endless vicissitudes [...] It is memorable for the nameless mistakes made by all the armies in it; it ended to the great disadvantage of France'.

Although France suffered a series of military defeats, the period was nonetheless very rich in trials and innovations in terms of organization and uniforms. Many of the reforms that followed the war were based on the French experience.

From a symbolic point of view, the period say the appearance of attributes emblematic of the military: epaulettes, for example. The introduction of this little piece of cloth edged with fringes was initiated by Maréchal de Belle Isle in 1759, and spread to armies all over the world, sometimes taking on impressive proportions. Even though today they are only found on the ceremonial uniforms of modern troops, they have long identified the soldier's silhouette. One could also mention the star of our modern general officers, which appeared for the first time on the epaulettes of officers commanding a brigade, or the green uniforms of the dragoons. There was also the first attempt to introduce a helmet for the cavalry, an idea that remained unfulfilled until 1803 and the Empire. The trial of a cork life jacket at Dieppe, the birth of the regimental artillery that Gribeauval was to bring to fruition...

On a tactical level, chasseur companies were created within the regular infantry regiments, the precursors of the voltigeurs and the tirailleurs of the Revolution and the Empire.

In terms of the structural reforms of the army, the ordinance of 1759, followed by those of 1762 and 1763, which created recruit regiments, represented a veritable revolution. They marked the end of the burden of recruitment and the ownership of a company by a captain, to be sold like property. It also marked the end of gentlemen's regiments, with the exception of princely regiments. The École Militaire was created, and the first officers to graduate from it would go on to fight in the campaigns of the Seven Years War.

This volume is the first in a series devoted to the French army during the Seven Years War. It describes the organization and evolution of infantry regiments during the Seven Years War, the hierarchy of a regiment, recruitment and training of soldiers, officers and their careers, marches, encampment and barracks for troops, payment of honors, a detailed review of uniforms, infantrymen's weapons and equipment, and the organization and uniforms of provincial militias, Grenadiers de France and coastguard militias. The second volume will detail the distinctive uniforms and flags of all the regiments. The third volume will deal with the elementary tactics adopted by the French infantry during the Seven Years War.

Kolin 2024 photos by Jarda Rezac foto.

 More here
