Saturday 29 May 2010
Another Van der Meulen
Sunday 23 May 2010
Battle of Ramillies 1706
Today this battle was fought. One of the famous deaths was that of Colonel Bringfield - Marlborough fell from his horse early in the engagement with the French, and when he was being remounted on a spare charger, a cannonball flew over the back of the horse and decapitated Colonel Bringfield, who was holding the stirrup.
Saturday 22 May 2010
Exciting New Release From Zvezda!
Thursday 20 May 2010
Woman in military dress c1710
1710 in more northerly lands
Well it looks like Zaragoza 1710-2010 went well. 2010 is also the year of numerous anniversaries of Great Northern War sieges. Boris from the GNW reenactment group says:
'In 1710 the Russians took the following fortresses from the Swedes:
Vyborg, Riga, Pernau (Parnu), Arensburg (Kuresaare), Revel (Tallin), Kexholm (Priozersk) and we are going to appear in most of them this season, Vyborg being first in June. There is our schedule on our site here'
Wish I could go. Image from a previous visit to Kexholm
Петр Первый/Petr Pervyj (1937-1939)
Forget about the terrible Stalin's purges that were going on in the Soviet Union when this film, or rather its 1 Episode, was shot. The film has none of the Stalinist propaganda or dull Soviet ethics. This is a great, bright and powerful work. The role of the great Russian tzar Pyotr I is played by a brilliant Nikolay Simonov and he did a wonderful job. His Pyotr is wild, often terribly cruel, loud and unbearably ferocious to his enemies. He never hesitates and he breaks through like a wild bull. The 1 Episode tells about the terrible beginning of the North War with Sweden, the Russians are shamefully defeated and thus the Tzar starts his bloody reforms. He reorganizes the weak old army, he takes the church bells for the military sakes, he even is ready to arrest his own weak and sickly son Aleksey who is in fact his terrible feud. The second excellent role here is Aleksander Menshikov, the tzar's favorite aid, played by enigmatic Mr. Zharov. His part is cute, sly and so great that provokes a grand smile. The 1 Episode is also about the first military victories, the beginning of the Russian fleet and the foundation of the city of St.-Petersburg, exactly 300 years ago...
Wednesday 19 May 2010
Sunday 16 May 2010
Saturday 15 May 2010
Yet Another Rules Download
These rules look quite promising and should very easily transition into the post-ECW period. They should work especially well for the Anglo-French alliance against Spain (with English Royalist and French Rebel assistance) in 1658 and 1659. I think they would also probably work with minimal mod's well into the later 17th century. I will warn you before you open that pdf file and just click print however, the rules are very detailed and are some 80+ pages long, plus the cover and QRF sheets.
They appear similar in some ways to "Beneath the Lily Banners", as they use the seemingly "standard" of 3 bases equals one battalion format. The mechanics look well thought out, there is a wealth of detail contained within the rules, but it looks like a game can be played with just the QRF sheets once players are familiar with the mechanics. There are also some excellent optional rules, army points values, and appendices with a chronology of the ECW, Commander ratings, gaming counters to reflect unit status and other important facts, and a very nice means of representing variable pike to shot ratio's for individual units.
After a read-through and a few "pencil skirmishes", I feel that these may be a very playable set with excellent expansion potential. Has anyone else tried them yet? Your thoughts or input?
Impetus Expansion Modules From Dadi & Piombo
And now, confession time. I have never made a secret of the fact that I am a devoted fan of George Gush's Renaissance rules, both 1st and 2nd editions. However, as the rules are a bit "long in the tooth", I have been exploring mod's to the rules and/or other rules sets for my favorite period. When I first became aware of "Basic Impetus" and "Impetus", and their free expansion modules, I will admit that I didn't explore them in detail because they are of the "Grand Tactical" nature. It's strictly a personal preference, but I usually don't care for the "one stand equals one regiment, brigade, division, etc." sort of rules. My preference has always been the more "intimate" 1:10, 1:20 or similar rulesets. Years ago I participated in some of the playtesting for several sets of published Grand Tactical rules for the SYW and the Napoleonic written by friends of mine and just never got my head wrapped totally around them.
However, now that I've looked at the pic's of the Blenheim game, and downloaded the rules and lists, I may be changing my mind, at least a bit. I was impressed enough with them to also download the "Basic Baroque" expansion mod for the 80 Years War through the Late 17th Century (and including the GNW), which also look very nice. You can see them for yourself and download them here. While I may always prefer the Gush-style rules for a battle like the 2nd Dunes, I can really see using these "Impetus" modules for the larger battles like Seneffe, Enzheim, or the major battles of the War of the League of Augsberg. The scale really does allow you to perform the grand, sweeping movements that featured prominently in many of these battles, and they appear to be very well written for a fun game.
If any of you have direct experience using either of these "Impetus" modules, I would appreciate hearing your comments and input.
Barbary Pirates
Interestingly the Earl of Essex in the Civil War had a regiment of Moors who were released from a jail in Cornwall to serve in the army of Parliament. Anyway if you want to learn more about these campaigns read the wikipedia entry.
More photos from Bavaria - Blenheim river craft
More images of interest from Uwe Wild. He says
Here are some photos from the museum of the war of the Spanish succession in Höchstädt castle near the battlefield of Blenheim. This museum is worth a visit for everybody who is interested in this war. Take here a look at a river draft the armies at these times used.
Thursday 13 May 2010
Battle of Poltava
Wednesday 12 May 2010
Grand Alliance
Tuesday 11 May 2010
March of the Zaporozhian Cossacks
Zaporozhian Cossacks
Who were they? I don't know I'm afraid to say. The wikipedia article will probably fill me in. This image from 1786 Victorious Ukrainian Cossack with a head of a Muslim certainly has my seems they fought with Mazeppa in the Great Northern War...
Zaporozhian Cossacks reviewed
Images of the Turkenkrieg
This is blogging gold as far as I am concerned - getting exposure (to an international audience) for paintings that might only be seen by a few enthusiasts otherwise.
I looked for information on the Battle of Chotin and came up with this page on the Ottoman Empire in the Seventeenth Century...
I feel inspired to have a look at Zvezda's Ottomans...PSR list of Ottoman Empire figs
Monday 10 May 2010
Some images of early Bavarians
Uwe says
Here is a small selection from the battle paintings of Schleißheim castle. Depicting the Bavarian army in the Turkish wars of 1683-1715. See the grey uniforms of the rank and file, just the officers and NCOs had light blue at this time.
The artillery are from a painting of the siege of Ofen.
Thanks Uwe!!
More to come...
Sunday 9 May 2010
Zaragoza 1710-2010 on Facebook
If you have an interest in the WSS in Spain and the battle of Saragossa in particular then this Facebook page might be of interest to you. Lots of uniform plates like these with captions will make it worth your while.
In the Irish Brigade by G A Henty
Read this 1901 novel about the subject of the WSS and the Irish involvement here
Hibernia, Ultonia and Irlanda
These three Irish regiments distinguished themselves at the battle of Saragossa 1710. If you want to read more about Ultonia and Irish troops serving the Spanish then this column by Peter Beresford Ellis, author, will give you a better insight.
As for uniforms I am not sure - I think Ultonia and Irlanda were red with blue facings and Hibernia had green.
Also see this article The Spanish Habsburgs and their Irish Soldiers (1587-1700) by Moisés Enrique Rodríguez and this article The Spanish Wild Geese.
Image Uniform and colonel's flag of the Hibernia Regiment, mid-eighteenth century, (A. Valdés Sánchez. Brown University Library, Madrid, 1993) See Irlanda from the same source here
Flight of the Wild Geese wiki
Zaragoza 1710-2010
News article about the forthcoming 300th anniversary reenactment to be held 15-16 May. Some details here.
If you want a thumbnail sketch in English about what happened this is from the Wiki
The allied left-wing was composed of Catalan and Dutch troops under Count Atalaya. The right-wing was commanded by Stanhope and was composed of British and Austrian troops. Starhemberg was in charge of the center, which was mainly German infantry.
On August 20 at 08:00 an artillery-duel started which lasted until noon. In the afternoon, the battle was more or less a repeat of the Battle of Almenara. The Spanish cavalry attacked fiercely and were almost successful, but the allied troops stood firm.
Then the British and Austrian infantry counter-attacked and the Spanish army was pushed back. Thousands were killed or taken prisoner. Philip V only escaped disguised as an ordinary soldier and helped by a local miller.
Saturday 8 May 2010
Lorna Doone (1963) trailer
Lorna Doone (2000 tv) - part 1
Lorna Doone novel wiki
IMDB list of movies based on Lorna Doone
Charles Beauclerk
Today is the birthday of this English soldier - son of Nell Gwynne and Charles II. Fought at the Siege of Belgrade in 1688. Wiki here
Wednesday 5 May 2010
The Battle of the Boyne
The Battle of the Boyne from Lee Cronin on Vimeo.