Saturday 27 July 2024

Killiecrankie 1689

 Today's anniversary. Wiki

Friday 26 July 2024

Polish cavalry

 Roelant Savery, Polish Cavalry Marching in the Woods, 1614, Here

Michal Paradowski has said they might be Hungarians. Or Croats.  See here

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Kay 1759

 Today's anniversary. Here. 265 years ago. Thanks to Alt Kreyzten for the pic.

also referred to as the Battle of SulechówBattle of Züllichau, or Battle of Paltzig

Bagpipes in the 17th century

 On the Monmouth Rebellion Facebook page there was a discussion on whether the Royal Scots had pipers or not. It seemed from what Stephen Carter said the Colonel's company had them. So the next question is what were bagpipes of 1685 like? Found this article which is interesting. Anybody know more on the subject?

Monday 22 July 2024

Cavalry skirmish

 I don't know the artist.