Friday 30 August 2024

Hanoverians. Freytag's Jägers


Free Fast play Blenheim battle rules

 Here at the Peter Dennis Paper boys page. 

15mm Garde Françaises

Khurasan Miniatures has just released French Guards for our 15mm War of the Spanish Succession range:

There are Guards, Guards Grenadiers, and Guard command. They have the elaborate lace of the guards, which is particularly distinctive on the officers. Sculpted by the late Mike Broadbent.

Gross-Jägersdorf 1757

 Today's anniversary. Wiki

Thursday 29 August 2024

Schwarze Brigade

 Read about them on Kronoskaf

Furioso English Civil War rules


Strelets WSS

 I really like the Strelets range of 1/72 WSS. Such a well sculpted selection of subjects. They went quiet presumably due to the war but they have just released some new sets. Wishing them all the best. I think these are new sets but I may be wrong. Apologies if I am. 

Monday 26 August 2024

War is My Homeland


"I just published my 17th century rules, War is our Homeland. 

War is Our Homeland is a set of Historical miniature wargame rules that will allow you to play the big battles of the Thirty Years War, English Civil War, Dutch Revolt, The Deluge, and more. The game is meant for 2 or more players to be able to learn in a few minutes, play in an evening, without a ridiculous amount of miniatures, and do all of those things without sacrificing historical fidelity.

War is our Homeland allows players to capture the greatest battles of the 17th century such as Breitenfeld or Marston Moor. The game is command and control focus, putting you in the shoes of a historical commander such as Gustavus Adolphus or Oliver Cromwell. The combat system is elegant to allow players to focus on the major command decisions without getting bogged down in the rules. More information about the game in the link below.

Brand new players can finish a game in under 3 hours.

Most scenarios can be played on a 6×4′ or 4×4′ table with 8-20 units per side.

Players feel like the great leaders of the period such as Wallenstein or Mansfeld.

4 Historical scenarios included, Mingolshiem 1622, Lutzen 1632, Zusmarshausen 1648, and Edgehill 1642.

The rules are available from Wargames Vault in both print and pdf formats. A scenario book for the early period of the Thirty Years War and a scenario book for the English Civil Wars are also available with more soon to come. I hope you enjoy the game as much as I do! "

Sunday 25 August 2024

Le Régiment de Champagne

 French group. Facebook page here

Russian artillery Seven Years War

 New label Russia SYW

Russian Marine Summer Uniform

 Here for more. Marine uniform was the same as infantry I think. By Sergey Minchenkov from 2018.

Zorndorf 1758

 Today's anniversary. Here

Saturday 24 August 2024

Royal Lorraine

 Kronoskaf entry. Interesting to see a bearskin. 

Miniature c1762. Recruiting sergeant of the Soisonnais infantry.

 Miniature by Louis Nicholas can Blarenberghe. Miniature c1762. Recruiting sergeant of the Soissonais infantry.

Norton St. Philip

 They are doing some filming in Norton St. Philip this September. North Street. Wouldn't it be great if it was Monmouth related?

Monmouth film for BBC Education 2000

 Does anyone have a copy of this? Film we made about the Rebellion. We had speaking parts and filmed at places like the George at Norton St. Philip. We had speaking parts. It was great. 

Ralph Mitchard as Nathaniel Wade at Lyme Regis

Thursday 22 August 2024

Khurasan 15mm news

 Khurasan Miniatures has added charging French infantry to our 15mm Late 17th C. range:

The two sets are called “Furia Francese” — musketeers with plug bayonets in (one is using a clubbed musket), as well as command for same, and are doing what the French did best in this period — rolling up to have your guts. 

They have the distinctive French shoulder ribbons, but if you’d like to depict some other nation in a pugnacious mood, it is a few swipes of an xacto to remove those.

Quebec Expedition 1711


Pic from

The Quebec expedition, or the Walker expedition to Quebec, was a British attempt to attack Quebec in 1711 in Queen Anne's War, the North American theatre of the War of Spanish Succession. It failed when seven transports and one storeship were wrecked and some 850 soldiers drowned in one of the worst naval disasters in British history.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Mária Terézia Magyar Katonái by Somogyi Győző / Hungarian soldiers of Maria Theresa / Cser Kiadó 2011 / Paperback

 Another interesting looking book on Hungarian soldiers of the SYW.  Thanks to Andrey again. I have always been impressed by Hungarian fashion. 

The Army of Rakoczi war of independence

 Andrew Efremov mentioned this book. Looks interesting. Wiki on the war

Did Monmouth's Rebellion matter?

 5 September. A talk at the Museum of East Dorset by Professor Ronald Hutton. Details here

This talk seeks to answer the questions of how far King James II threatened the liberties and religion of the English, and therefore whether the Duke of Monmouth’s men were justified in rebelling against him, and if the subsequent and successful Glorious Revolution rescued England from a different, and worse, future.

Wine, Beer, hot drinks and snacks will be available to purchase from 6.30pm and the talk will begin at 7pm.

Biography: Ronald Hutton is Professor of History in the University of Bristol, the Gresham Professor of Divinity at London, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, the Society of Antiquaries, the Learned Society of Wales, and the British Academy. He has held a number of public posts and is currently a member of the Historic Estate Conservation Committee of Historic England and also the chair of the first national Blue Plaques Panel. He has published eighteen books and ninety-five essays on a wide range of subjects including British history between 1400 and 1700, ancient and modern paganism in Britain, the British ritual year, and Siberian shamanism.

This is a fundraising event and all profits go towards the running of the museum

Wimborne Militia 25th anniversary

 if you live near Wimborne in Dorset you w8ll have seen 1685 reenactors the Wimborne Militia. They are very active in the community. They have some anniversary events including free talks listed below. Find them on Facebook

Monday 19 August 2024

Hanoverian Foot Guards in the SYW

 This regiment would be good to recreate. They were stationed in England (Maidstone) in the beginning of the SYW. Kronoskaf

There is an interesting blogpiece about Hanoverians at Maidstone here

"On Monday 13th September 1756 a German soldier walked into a shop in Maidstone, Kent, to buy some handkerchiefs. What happened next helped bring down a government and led to a big change in military policy."

Sunday 18 August 2024

Visit to Narva

 It is 20 years since this visit by David Allen of Wells Somerset to Estonia for the 300th anniversary of Narva 1704. The Blenheim bicentennial had become unviable so we pitched in with the Narva 300th. He had a great time and was treated very well. I couldn't go but helped from the side. 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Paul Sandby Redcoat

 I think this is what British troops during the Seven Years War. They didn't look like War of Austrian Succession redcoats. The regulations of 1768 were making the changes that happened official. 

Frome Model Centre

 This shop is worth visiting. Frome is a good place for a day out. Funnily enough back in the 70s it was above this shop that has the early days of Frome wargames club. It was a bike shop then.

The Moonraker Full Movie (1958)

 Watch it here. A lot of films portray the Roundheads as the bad guys and this is one. Not a great film but it's O.K. and you can see what the 50s fingers would have seen when they saw a Civil War movie. Wiki

Just read the wiki and they say

indeed The Moonraker should be interpreted as Clark's 'last stand' on politics and film culture. Rather than display a preference for the attractive and swashbuckling Cavaliers (as is so often evident in British popular culture), Clark's film takes care to establish the moral superiority of the Roundheads. Its soldiery are on the whole presented as moral men convinced of the probity of their cause, and Cromwell (John Le Mesurier) is a dignified and balanced leader. Clark clearly favoured an interpretation of history which presented Puritanism as more sober and even-handed than its alternative."[6]

Cromwell (1970)

 While revisiting my Roundhead childhood I may as well mention this movie. I was ten and I loved it. It was up there with films like Waterloo, Zulu, Battle of Britain as a great picture. I have the DVD still

Ralph in Frome about 1968

Oliver Cromwell Peter Young 1968

 More English Civil War nostalgia. I had this and the Charles I one too. How about you?

Simon Rosemary Sutcliff (1953)

 I read this when I was at school. I enjoyed it. Read about it here. My library has a copy so I might revisit it. Do you remember it?

Wimbourne talk on 1685

 As part of the Wimborne Militia’s 25th anniversary celebrations, renowned historian Professor Ronald Hutton is giving a talk entitled “Did Monmouth’s Rebellion Matter?”.

Was the Duke of Monmouth’s rebellion a justified stand against King James II? Did it truly matter in the grand scheme of English history? Professor Hutton will delve into these questions and more, offering fresh insights into this pivotal moment.

Professor Ronald Hutton is not just any historian. With 18 books and 95 essays under his belt, plus a seat on several prestigious panels, he's a true expert in British history. This is guaranteed to be a fun and enlightening evening.

Taking place at the Museum in Wimborne on Thursday, 5th September, tickets are £10 per person - doors open from 6:30pm with wine, beer, hot drinks, and snacks available. The talk will begin at 7:00pm.

Tickets are on sale now! Just visit our website Every ticket sold helps to support the Museum, it’s projects and keeping history alive!

Don’t miss this chance to step back in time and explore whether Monmouth’s Rebellion really mattered!

English Civil War Event in East Yorkshire


Old Glory Grand Scale 10mm

 A range for Marlburian here

Van Dyck WSS

 This looks a good range too. 

Pendraken 10mm Marlburian

 Here. This is a decent range. 

Wargames Atlantic go 10mm


Here. First up Samurai and Ashigaru. 

Wednesday 14 August 2024



The Deluge (Potop) (1974) ~Battle of Prostki (HD)


Wiki. The 50th anniversary of this movie is this year. One of the top 50 of highest grossing films of 74. Clip here

Winchester's at Great Chalfield Manor

 Turns out my sister went to this event. She said everyone was most friendly. Pics by Anne Rachel. Webpage for the regiment here

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Monday 12 August 2024

David Morier 1705 -70 John Manners, Marquess of Granby 1721-1770 c.1760


Les Régiments du Passé

 Have unveiled their new Royal livery for their drummer. Quite an undertaking.

Britains/Herald English Civil War

 I have the two mounted figures.