Monday, 8 August 2016

When Jimmy Page and Roy Harper came to an ECWS event

I've always liked camp fire stories - it's part of the fun of reenacting and I tend to remember them too, This story stuck  with me; Jimmy Page late of Led Zeppelin and Roy Harper folk rock hero came to an event and kitted up in Civil War attire and took part and on the saturday performed a set in the beer tent. It sounded too good to be true especially as the guy telling me was a Zep fan (unlike me I might add). But I recently did some asking on the Devereux's Facebook page and it seemed the story was true. Ulverston 1984. The Lake District.  People remembered the weekend - might even post some photos sometime. In the meantime if you are a rock fan this will show you what they were doing in the Lake District in 1984. If you have any recollections or memories from that event post them in the comments.


Colin Ashton said...

I was there but can't remember seeing or hearing anything and I am/was a bit if a Led Zeppelin fan.

Ralphus said...

thanks - that's interesting -

Nigel Tullett said...

I was there and remember leaving the beer tent as a result!
The following morning there was a very interesting incident, I was not aware of who it was at the time but one of these not sure who found themselves on Winchesters camp and using the regimental loo, there was no loo paper and an argument deleveloped between various parties with chip paper being exchanged for cash!
Retired Winchester co

Big Andy said...

Yes it was true- I was there in Sir Thomas Tyldesleys foot at the time- Mind you I drank and awful lot of beer so deatails are hazy to say the least !!!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is true and was even mentioned in a local newspaper, which got a couple of fact wrong and as a result I sent in a letter to explain the links between Roy and Jimmy. As a result I got a phone call from that Newspaper asking me to write a weekly column for them, Little did I know I would be writing that column for next 12 years.