Saturday 29 September 2018

Home and Away; The British Experience of War 1618-1721. Proceedings of the 2017 Helion and company century of the soldier conference

This is a very useful smorgasbord of different papers on a rough theme. I didn't go to the Conference but the articles stand on their own as additional material on 17thc warfare.
First up is Far and Away; Fighting, Campaigning and Travelling During the English Civil War by Peter Gaunt. Very interesting analysing the experience of being out and about through the memoirs of some of the Civil Wars' most noted diarists Royalist and Parliamentarian.
'The Disarmed Multitude'; the impact of the Lostwithiel Campaign on the Earl of Essex's Army and its Reconstituion for Second Newbury. Simon Marsh. This examines the disastrous Cornish campaign and the efforts to revive the fortunes of the army after their defeat.
Warfare in the Wilderness; the Indian war of 1688 Rachael Abbis. This essay is interesting investigating the military build-up in the Colonies in particular the New England frontier that eventually became full scale war.
The Rank and File of the British Army 1685-1688 Stephen Ede-Borrett finds out whether the make up of the armies was as described by many historians as the scum of society or were they made up of different stock? Using the deserter notices the author investigates.
'For God's sake come home' - Soldiers' Wives 1620-1660 Laurence Spring. The author investigates the world of soldier's wives during the 17thc. This is a subject of interest to a number of people and Laurence finds some useful documents.
A House Called Loyalty - the Archaeology of a Civil War Siege Alan Turton. The epic sieges (for there were three) of Basing is a fascinating story by the expert on the subject. Investigations showing the layout of the fortifications and placing the sometimes bitter skirmishes in situ are in this study.
'His Majesties' Scenographer' the Military Art of Wenceslaus Hollar.  David Flintham. Prague-born Hollar is under the glass in this study. Many of his etchings are reproduced with an emphasis on the works he carried out during the Civil War that is the main focus. This is well-illustrated with Hollar's work
Michael Jones and the Defeat of Royalist Ireland 1647-9. Jon Day. Michael Jones is not a well known figure in history but he was responsible for laying the groundwork for Cromwell's notorious campaign in Ireland.
All in all a great read with many relayed points that give a useful addition to your military library. 

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