Sunday, 31 December 2023

Brigadier Peter Young on Desert Island Discs


Photo Martin Abbott/ Howard Giles

Thanks to John William for posting this on Blasts from the Past - reenactment nostalgia. The distinguished soldier and wargamer and founder of the Sealed Knot Peter Young in 1977 with Roy Plomley. Haven't listened to it yet but it promises to be interesting. A man of great distinction to be sure.

Bryan Ansell RIP

 Sad to hear Bryan Ansell has died. He used to (during the Foundry years) ring me up and we would chat about wargaming. He invited me up to his house in Newark and he showed me around his house and studios and his car collection. A major player in wargames.

News (Nottinghamshire live)

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Danish Captain 1706

 Danish captain 1706. From Ruben Gulbrandsen's Pinterest page.

Friday, 29 December 2023

Annual Christmas WSS game

 Andrew Robertson and friends had this game recently. 1700 figures on the table. A culmination of about 15 years accumulating the armies. Narrow French victory. Well done chaps.

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Minifigs 15mm SYW

 Remember these? I did an Austrian and a Prussian army using these. I remember them being neatly sculpted and they painted up well. Get them from here

Thursday, 21 December 2023

News from Bruno Mugnai

 He has finished the next volume in his series.

Carl Röchling

Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Minifigs 25mm Seven Years War

 Catalogue here. I knew this chap Rob Turner who had thousands of these and would host games accommodating about 6 players. All in gloss enamel but very well done.

Minifigs 25mm Marlburian range

 When I started proper wargaming it was very much all Minifigs. Looking through the catalogue is quite nostalgic. Download a PDF here. I post the Marlburian page. They are quite charming. 

Mike Lewis' Minifigs 25mm

 Start of a project using these old school figures from the Minifigs Marlburian range. Mike says 'The start of my Minifigs 25mm units.  The intention is to eventually refight the Siege of Dendermonde based on Ron Miles' Battle Magazine articles from 1977-78'

Great stuff! Minifigs here

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Michel Petard Fantassin 1670

 Thought we could have this again. 

William of Orange before the royal seat of Bonn - a painting by Huchtenburg

 Thought it would be interesting to see what was going on in 1673. This happened in November. Siege of Bonn.

Earlier in the year was the siege of Naarden. All part of the Franco-Dutch War.

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

1670 Official trailer.

 Thanks to Steve again. On Netflix. Wiki

1670 is Polish mockumentary satirical comedy television series. It was released on Netflix on 13 December 2023.[1][2]

The series follows the pursuits of Jan Paweł Adamczewski, the Sarmatian head of a noble family in Adamczycha in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the 17th century.[3][4][5]

Effigy of Sir William Waller and his first wife, on her tomb in Bath Abbey.

 Thanks to Steve Stanley for finding this. Literally defaced by Royalists. Pic from the Battlefield Trust. Info here 

Alton 1643


Sir William Waller by Empress Miniatures

Today's anniversary. Here. Victory for Sir William Waller.

Monday, 11 December 2023

Waterloo Blog

 Check out my Waterloo blog. I originally started it as a 1/32 scale affair but soon changed that. I am not a Waterloo expert. It's a nod to those years in the early 1970s when it was a  really big period. 

1644 ECW rules by Rick Priestly

 Do you remember these rules? Published by War Games Foundry. Read about them here

Sunday, 10 December 2023

French colonel

 Carmontelle : Mr le comte de Durfort, colonel du régiment de Chartres-infanterie, entre 1758 et 1760, Musée Condé[1]b.

Chartres infantry at Kronoskaf

Saturday, 9 December 2023

36th Foot

 This group started about the same time as Puleney's and were based in the city of Worcester. 

Ryan O'Neal RIP

 Barry Lyndon (1975). Battle scene here. I must admit I didn't notice this film until the early 80s when it came out on video. I bought a copy despite it being quite expensive. Then the soundtrack on vinyl. I introduced this film to my friends the 36th foot and I Sent them up a copy when they had her togethers. The drumming has also been influential. The drumming was copied by ECWS drummers who used to call it Bee Gees (British Grenadiers).

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

13th Pulteney's

 Photo Chappers Photography. Pulteney's have been going since the mid 90s so I doff my cocked hat to them.

Karlstädter-Szluiner Grenzer (Austria-Hungary) - marching and firing

 By Daniel Riesig. Figures cast from Prince August. I must admit I would like to have a go one day. The results as you see are very good.

Leuthen south side of the churchyard, 40mm

 By Matthias Manske

SYW battle scene

 F. Oetinger, 'European cavalry battle scene' (1785)

Leuthen 1757

 Today's anniversary this battle.


32 Regiment von Treskow z Nysy on their annual pilgrimage to the battlefield. 

Monday, 4 December 2023

Music from the time of the Royal Swedish flagship Kronan.

 See below. Ideal gift for someone who loves baroque music and the Scanian war. e.g. Me.

Get the CD from ebay

Kronan wiki

Ensemble Mare Balticum performing "Blickt Ihr Salinnen" by Gustav Düben 1676. Video produced by Per Anders Rudelius in 1999.

Lund 1676

 Today's anniversary. Lund. Check out my Pinterest page on the Scanian War here

There is a baroque battle fanfare to listen to while you look. A battle baroque from the collection Music from the Time of the Royal Swedish Flagship Kronan by Ensemble Mare Balticum. The piece is called Aria No. 25 from the Lund Manuscript. More details

Hat worn by Charles XI at Lund

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Thursday, 30 November 2023

Death of Charles XII 1718

Today in 1718 Charles XII was killed. also see Who shot Charles XII? A mystery solved here

Uniform worn by Charles XII in Frederikshall on 30 November 1718. Shown in The Royal Armoury in Stockholm.

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Rullion Green 1666

 Today's anniversary. Wiki

pic Jim Barton. 

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Schaumburg-Lippe troops recreated

 Webpage here

If you can read German there is the book online here Geschichte des Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburgischän Karabinier- und Jäger-Korps

Steinhude Pike - a submarine by Jakob Chrysostomus Praetorius

 While in the environs of Schaumburg-Lippe Bückeburg have a look at this early submarine. The Steinhuder Hecht.

Steinhuder Meer is a large lake with a fortress on it on an artificial island. Wilhelmstein. I visited it when I was a teenager. I did a German exchange (Bristol Hannover) and my hosts took me there. There is a model of the submarine there.

Karabinierkorps ( Schaumburg-Lippe Bückeburg)

 From the wiki

The Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Carabinier and Jäger Corps (abbreviated: Karabinierkorps) was formed in 1753 by Count Wilhelm von Schaumburg-Lippe (Bückeburg) as a light troop corps on horseback and foot. In the build-up phase, it consisted of 75 cavalry and 50 foot hunters.

Lippe-Bückeburg Carabinier in the Seven Years' War

In April 1757, a native of Poland, Herr von Monkewitz, took command of the Carbine Corps with the rank of cavalryman, which he held until the end of the seven-year-old War.

Truppen des Grafen Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe nach Jakob Chrysostomus Praetorius 1765

Schaumurg-Lippe Bückeburg troops by Knötel