Monday 9 October 2023

Hadik (2023) teaser

Available on Netflix Amazon Prime and so on. 

In a time of darkness and chaos, with the brutal and militant Prussia raining war upon the peaceful and tranquil Austria, Queen Maria Theresa entrusts her Hungarian general, András Hadik and his fearless Hussars with a mission of great importance: to capture the city of Berlin, the heart of the Prussian empire, and to strike a blow against her enemy, the mighty Frederick the Great.


Tombeatster said...

Unfortunately not in the United States as yet.

Amtmann B. said...

It's looking like one of the Eastern productions such as "Maria Theresia" with poor costumes and small budget.

Mark P. said...

Watched that one last weekend. It was truly awful. Optic was nice, the costumes weren't poor at all. But the storymight have been written by a child. And the author clearly never read a history book. The SYW starts maybe several weeks after the 2nd Silesian war ends and ends after a few weeks because Hadik raids Berlin. Not recommended. Or maybe with the sound switched off.