Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Scanian War images by Göte Göransson

The Scanian War (Danish: Skånske krig, Swedish: Skånska kriget, German: Schonischer Krieg) was a part of the Northern Wars involving the union of Denmark–Norway, Brandenburg and Sweden. It was fought from 1675 to 1679 mainly on Scanian soil, in the former Danish provinces along the border with Sweden and in Northern Germany.


nundanket said...

Nice pics. The first ones are all Finnish regiments (using the Swedish names for places). Åbo for example is Turku. Viborg is now in Russia (as Vyburg - Finnish, Viipuri). Nyland is Uusimaa (Helsinki region) etc.

tradgardmastare said...

Are these from the “ Caroliner “ book? It is a tremendous source of inspiration and also uniform information.