Wednesday, 5 March 2025

View of the rebels as they were brought pinioned to London'.

A scene from the 1715 uprising.
View zoomable image in Jacobite prints and broadsides

Fanfan la Tulipe (1952) original trailer

 A comedy. Was remade in 2003 but it isn't much cop. Wiki. I believe it is based on a real person. 

Fife & Drum: "La générale de la Garde Française", J.B. Lully


Military band for fifes and drums, Louis XIV period.

Drum battery made by M. de Luly, the tune of the fifes made by Philidor lainé.
This is how this aria is designated in the 1705 manuscript of André Danican Philidor.
The adaptation for 4 fifes in B flat was directed by Jérôme Orlandini.
The drum drums, although rhythmically faithful to the original, have been rewritten to correspond a little better to modern drumming techniques without losing their authenticity.
All the games are played by Jérôme Orlandini.

Fife & Drum: la "Marche Royale", Philidor

 This is a translation

Military music score for fifes and drums, Louis XIV period.

Royal march with 3 oboe trebles or fifes for the French March, made by Philidor Lainé in the year 1679.
This is how this aria is designated in the 1705 manuscript of André Danican Philidor.
The adaptation for 3 fifes in B flat was directed by Jérôme Orlandini.
The drum kit, while rhythmically faithful to the original, has been rewritten to better match modern drumming techniques without losing its authenticity.

18th C. French Drumming

 Interesting webpage for the subject. Painting by Watteau

French camp scene

 Full painting which is zoomable here

Sunday, 2 March 2025

10mm late 17th century

 The Nine Years War ran from 1688-1697 and involved most of the major European powers. Our outstanding League of Augsburg range allows you to refight these battles, along with the Williamite Wars in Ireland as well. Have a browse here:

Friday, 28 February 2025

Glenshiel 1719 by Jordi Bru photography

  from here

Jenn Scott has yellow cuffs for this regiment of Spanish in 'I am Minded to Rise'

Earl of Bath's Regiment in 1686

Thanks to Stephen Tindle for this. From the January 1982 issue of Military Modelling the colour plate by Bryan Fosten for the first in the series by D.S.V. Fosten of 'Cut of the Cloth'

Capture of Vigo and Pontevedra 1719


The capture of Vigo and Pontevedra (also known as the British expedition to Vigo and Pontevedra) occurred in October 1719 during the War of the Quadruple Alliance when a British expedition made a descent on the Spanish coast.[4] They then captured the settlements of VigoRedondela and Pontevedra after some resistance, which they occupied for ten days destroying or capturing a vast haul of military stores before withdrawing.[5][6]

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

The King Over the Water

 Ordered this from the library. 

This is the first modern history for general readers of the entire Jacobite movement in Scotland, England and Ireland, from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 that drove James II into exile to the death of his grandson, Cardinal Henry, Duke of York, in 1807. The Battle of Culloden and Bonnie Prince Charlie's flight through the heather are well known, but not the other risings and plots that involved half of Europe and even revolutionary America.

Based on the latest research, The King over the Water weaves together all the strands of this gripping saga into a vivid, sweeping narrative, full of insight, analysis and anecdote. 'Few causes have aroused a more gallant response from the peoples of these islands than the Honest Cause,' writes Desmond Seward, 'whether they were fighting for it at Killiecrankie, Prestonpans or Culloden, at the Boyne, Aughrim or Fontenoy, or dying for it on the scaffold'.

Dutch Guards at a funeral in 1752


Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Drabant Miniatures 40mm

 This range is no longer produced but I womder if any of you have photos of them? If I remember correctly they did figures for the 15 - I would love to see them. Pic is Marlborough. 

Richard Waitt Andrew Macpherson of Cluny, 1640 - 1666. 15th Chief

 Jenn Scott in 'I am Minded to Rise' says this outfit was typical of that worn at Sheriffmuir. Note the bonnet. National Galleries of Scotland. 

General Wade’s Report on the Highlands 1724

 I am currently reading a biography of George Wade. Very interesting.  Got from the library. This report on the Highlands is worth reading. Here

Wargaming the Italian Wars

There is a Facebook group that is pretty active for all acales and rules. Go here
There is a forthcoming guide by Helion which is released at Salute. More info here

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Flags of War Jacobite 28mm

 This is a good range

Free Jacobite Rebellion rules

image by Ralph Mitchard

These are the sort of rules I like - old school and free. Obviously intended for 45 but they look fun. 

William Tell trailer (2025)

 Over on my other blog

Pavia 1525 music

 Some music for your 500th celebrations. Full album here

Preparing for Pavia 500

 Film John William posted on Landsknechts around the world. Anniversary tomorrow

Friday, 21 February 2025

Memoirs of a cavalier, or, A military journal of the wars in Germany and the wars in England by Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731

 If you are more interested in the 17thc. Wiki

The life & adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies commonly called Mother Ross by Daniel Defoe

 Thought we could have this again. 

Christian Davies - Wikipedia

The Queen's Regiment

 The Queen's Regiment marking 300th anniversary of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion, at the Tower of London, 26th-27th September 2015.

Photograph: John Beardsworth.

Captain Earl of Bath's Regiment 1685/6

 Did you get the Army of James II by S Ede-Borrett? It is very good and I was interested in this image. 

Thursday, 20 February 2025

18th century in 10mm

 My idea of doing the '15 in 1/72 has been grounded as the Scots figures aren't much good. Next idea is 10mm. Using 45 Jacobites. The good thing is in that scale there is no question of painting tartan. Pendraken 18thc range. Also they might resemble the painting of Sheriffmuir. 

Jacobite musket

Got this from the library

 Looks good. 

Event in Spain


Music in early modern Scotland

 Wiki. This is a subject I would like to know more about. Any albums of early music available?

Rob Roy the Highland Rogue (1953)

I watched the 1997 Rob Roy but started to want to watch the Disney film from 53. Starts with a battle scene. Has people like Richard Todd Glynis Johns and James Robertson Justice in it.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Aquae Solis (Bath) July 21. 1723. From the top of the Southern hill.

 Probably not that much different to when Monmouth summoned the city in 1685

Russian GNW reenactors in the snow

 At the event dedicated to the 320th anniversary of the capture of the city of Sortavala by the troops of Pyotr Apraksin

William Cummings Piper of the Clan Grant 1714

 Painted by Richard Waitt

Drabant 40mm WSS

 They have stopped making these. I had an email from a reader - if anyone has any they don't want get in touch and I will pass on the details. 

Monday, 17 February 2025

Bath Somerset in 1715

Bath in 1727

 I live near Bath so was interested to find this about the '15

'A Jacobite arsenal was established at Bath, where there were collected three pieces of cannon, with the means of casting more, as well as eleven chests of firearms, and a hogshead full of basket-hilt swords. Further arms had been ordered from France. The plan of campaign at this time was for the rising to begin in several places in the West simultaneously, but for the centre of it to be at Bath.
The Jacobite Activities in South and West England in the Summer of 1715 Author(s): Charles Petrie and William Shippen Source: Transactions of the Royal Historical Society , 1935, Vol. 18 (1935), pp. 85-106 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Royal Historical Society
image Bath in 1727

Saturday, 15 February 2025